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Sunday, August 12, 2018

iPhone WhatApp Android User

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Email Admin Server <>
Date: Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 2:19 PM
Subject: Re:iPhone WhatApp Android User

Dear Sir ,
 Congratulations !!! Software Is ruling the World.
A Company entered your information on our web Advert for the iWA (iPhone  WhatsApp Android) Mid-Year Prize contest application. A Notification Letter was sent to Your Home Address on File, and we are using this Medium to officially NOTIFY you that you are our 2nd Second Prize Winner of  $ 700,000.00 USD (Seven Hundred Thousand United States)  in the Mid Year Product Promotions with your Ticket Number:  iWE2018S89iWA  still Unclaimed.
Facebook acquired WhatsApp in an unbelievable transaction that shook and shocked the World. As we prepare to launch the New  Digital Social Media Technology for the future with our 30% shares in iPhone,WhatsApp and Android Applications. 

Imagine if you had bought Amazon in 1997… a $5,000 investment then would be worth almost $1 million today. To receive your Prize, you are expected to reply this email with the following information for verification to the Local Agent  Email Address:  ""

Names, Contact Address, Phone number, Email address and your Ticket number.

Your winning will be issued to you when we receive your reply with the requested details. Keep details of your winning confidential to avoid double claims. Double claims mean your winning will be canceled. It is important that you keep the contents of this email to your self. You may share the contents of this email after you receive your winning prize money.
Reply immediately to get the money. Otherwise, your prize money will be given to somebody else. The Future is Social Media.  iShares North-American Tech Software ETF.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs. Ruth Porat

( Asst to Chief Financial Officer, iWA Digital Technology )

Copyright © 2018 iWA Social Technology Inc. Is a Private License Owner.

-----Sent from iPad--