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Sunday, November 21, 2010

From: James Lekota (Col.)

From: James Lekota (Col.)
E-mail Reply:

Dear Friend,

I am James Lekota (Col.) a citizen of Zimbabwe and a member of the presidential Security Advisory Council (P.S.A.C.). Your surprise when you receive this mail will be quite understandable since we did not know each other prior to this time.

Early this year, I and one of my military colleagues were detailed by President Robert Mugabe to travel to China covertly, in order to see to the conclusion of an "Arms / Ammunition" supply deal with some private arms suppliers in China. Prior to the said trip to China for negotiations and payment, we had diplomatically transported the sum of U.S.$25 Million in cash into South Africa on our South African Air Line transit via Johannesburg to China and arranged for the safe keeping of the total sum in one trench of U.S.$25 Million.

To keep the entire transaction highly secret, in order to avoid international out cry due to President Mugabe's political and human rights violation records, including his killing ejection of white farmers and their black supporters from their farm lands, not to mention the gross human rights violations taking place in Zimbabwe.

I am presently residing in Soweto a town somewhere in South Africa, while my colleague is residing in another part of South Africa. This is so because we are against our presidents leadership tactics and all the suffering it has caused our people in Zimbabwe, as a way of spiting our president and equally securing our lives/future, we decided to divert the money meant for the covert purchase of arm/ammunition to our personal use.

Intelligence reports reaching us has made us aware that our presidents thugs are busy searching for us and our respective families, however, we are keeping a low profile because we have to distance ourselves from the money until we are able to identify a reliable and willing partner, preferably, a neutral foreigner, who could assist us getting the funds into investment in his or her country or to a safe and unknown destination.

Our status in South Africa can not permit us to do this for obvious security reasons, but with your assistance, this could be achievable based on a plan we have on the pipeline with a certain broker and afterwords, you could arrange safe passage for us and our families to your country, to start a new life, where we could be assured of our comfort and security until Mugabe dies or is chased out of office by the opposition.

We wish to formally solicit your assistance in standing as the rightful owner of the available money, to enable the safe transfer of the total sum in trench to your nominated account(s), either in your home country or elsewhere.

For this assistance, we are willing to discuss terms of remuneration with you, provided you will front for us in all investments in your country after you have secured the funds on our behalf.

We also need to stress that for security reasons, you should keep this communication strictly confidential, irrespective of your decision, i.e. to be or not to be.

We are thanking you in anticipation of your understanding and co-operation.
Please to fasten this transaction, kindly send me your acceptance reply to my private email address:

Further details will be revealed to you on receipt of your favorable response.

Yours sincerely,
James Lekota (Col.)

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